Dear Dharmabhandhu,
It is very essential to introduce Indian culture to our children. The biggest help that we can give our children is to introduce them to this rich culture. But how do we introduce them to this culture?
Here is the solution:
Brahma samsat organisation based in Mysuru in association with Bharathi Yogadhama, under the guidance of Dr. Sri Shankaranarayana Jois has organised arsha shikshana camp.
April 26th to May 10th, 2019(15 days)
Vijayagiri, Bharathi Yogadhama, Uttanahalli, Mysuru.
Aspects covered:
* Veda Suktas
* Sandhyavandana mantras
*Indian culture related – education, knowledge, guru, theism, duty, sin – punya
* Pooja to God
* Principles for a successful life
* Lectures related to concentration etc.
* Students taught in the form of narrations and stories are some of the specialties of the camp.
Teachers proficient in the subject will take up the classes.
Daily asana and pranayama will be held in the mornings.
Who can participate?
Interested trimatastha brahmin boys and girls within the age group of 10 to 16 years.
Entry fees – ₹1000
Oppurtunity to first 80 students only.
P. S.: Last date for registration is 10.05.2019
Students will be selected on the basis of interview. Interested ones are requested to grab this golden opportunity.
Do share with interested trimatastha brahmins about this and facilitate to enroll their children.
For further enquiries, contact-