Bharatiya Gou Parivara – The Panchagavya Workshop on behalf of Karnataka is to be held in Kalburgi(Gulbarga) district’s Ganwara’s Shri Trivikramananda Matha in Jeevargi Taluk.The Panchagavya Workshop will be held for three days starting from January 4th to January 6th. It will begin on January 4th at 9 o clock in the morning and will be completed at 5 o clock in the evening of January 6th.
★In the Panchagavya Workshop camp at Bajakodlu….
◆Introduction to Gou
◆Introduction to Gavya products
◆Preparation of Panchagavya products (information and practical training)
◆Gou based agriculture
◆Gou based life
◆Gou and us
◆Religious and cultural programs
In the three days of the workshop camp accommodation as well as local food facilities are arranged.
★ The entry is limited to only 50 people
★The campers should stay in the camp compulsorily for three days
★The discipline, rules and time of the camp must be followed
★ The camp fee is 1500/-
◆Interested people can register themselves through the following Google form along with the fee before December 25th.◆👇
For more details contact the following:
Dr. Ravi : 9483942776
Mahesh Chatnalli : 9449595277
Madhu Gomathi: 9449595278
Shishira Angadi: 9483484074
Bharatiya GouParivara – ಭಾರತೀಯ ಗೋಪರಿವಾರ