Three judge bench of the Honourable Supreme Court has directed Karanataka Government to handover the administration of Gokarna Sri Mahabaleshwara Temple to Sri RamachandrapuraMatha immediately. Accepting the contempt petition filed by SriMatha regarding judicial abuse and outraged by the inaction of the Government, the apex court has directed the temple to be handed over to SriMatha.
Temple was under the administration of SriMatha till 19th of September; no administrator assumed charge till then. It is wrong on the part of government to takover the temple despite the court’s order to maintain status quo as on September 7th. Considering it to be a sheer abuse of the judicial system, the bench has strictly directed to handover the administration along with the jewels of temple, movable and immovable assets, to SriMatha before Monday.
Government embarassed for the third time:
It is the third time that the government had been rebuffed in front of the highest court in relation to administration issue of Gokarna Mahabaleshwara Temple. Playing outside the bounds of law, government took over the temple and also created a drama of returning the administration despite the orders of the Supreme Court to maintain status quo. Justice Khanwilkar cautioned the government of strict action if they fail to handover the temple to SriMatha prior to Monday. It is notable that the apex court has given the direction and retained the judicial abuse petition as a precaution for having lost faith in the government.
Mr. Tushar Mehta, Solicitor General of India, argued in favour of SriMatha in the Supreme Court.
Honourable Supreme Court has directed the government for the third time, to handover the administration of temple to SriMatha. It is the duty of the government to follow direction given by the highest court of land. Sri RamachandrapuraMatha demands that the government performs its duty of following the instructions of the Supreme Court at least this time, without bending to any of the presslures.