Life is the Art of Drawing without an Eraser! Sri RamachandrapuraMatha -Fly Higher India” – an NGO which has its work area nationwide



SriMatha has been doing immense service to the society through lots of projects. This December, Sri RamachandrapuraMatha once again joined hands with Fly Higher India to blossom the smiles of the children. On December 2nd, SriMatha’s volunteers visited the Sri Ramapura Government school for Girls, where the NGO had organised its event. SriMatha blessed and gifted the students with Drawing Books. Around 35 students were blessed. The smile and ‘On Spot Drawings’ by the students showed how much they loved it! Beautiful Scrap Books were made & the best 2 books were choosen and gifted with Blankets.

Sri RamachandrapuraMatha, which wishes and blesses for the welfare of all, visited the Government Girls school and wished that their lives may be filled with colours. The NGO thanked SriMatha for its Unbroken support ..

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2 thoughts on “Life is the Art of Drawing without an Eraser! Sri RamachandrapuraMatha -Fly Higher India” – an NGO which has its work area nationwide

  1. Congratulations to the Volunteers of ‘Fly Higher India – NGO’ for rendering a great service in the area of education by helping the deserving School Students, in association with Sri Samstana Gokarna – Sri Ramachandrapura Matha !

  2. Congratulations to the Volunteers of ‘Fly Higher India – NGO’ for engaging in Social Service in association with Sri Samstana Gokarna – Sri Ramachandrapura Matha !

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