Mahapadukapuja to make its mark in the golden pages of history


We all have been informed about the special programmes- Jivanadana to be held on April 9th and Mahapadukapuja to be held on April 11th in the divine presence of our Kulaguru Paramapujya SriSamsthana in Mani Peraje SriRamachandrapura Matha.

It’s our fortune to be able to celebrate the sanyasagrahana day and yogapattabhidheka day of our Kuluguru. It is our Kulaguru’s 26th Yogapattabhisheka dinotsava. On this occasion the special Mahapadukapuja to be performed by thousands of devotees is unique and one of its kind. The disciples are fortunate and blessed to be a part of this very special event.

More than 4000 padukapuja:
It’s a known fact that a large number of devotees gather in Mani matha if SriSamsthana arrives there. It’s crystal clear that more than 4000 devotees have registered to be present to perform the Mahapadukapuja. Entire Gokarna mandala has the spark of celebration. All the disciples of Gokarna mandala are eagerly waiting to be a part of this blessed event.

Entire day at Mani Matha:
Yes, it’s true that the day will see a sea of devotees. The devotees need to make their entire day free to participate in the programme. Being in the divine presence, performing the Mahapadukapuja, partaking the prasad and mantrakshate, listening to the ashirvachana and then returning back a blessed soul.

SriSamsthana has dedicated his entire day for his disciples. So, why not us?!

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