Mumbai: Deepavali and gopooja are closely related. In villages which depend on agriculture, generally gopooja is performed during Deepavali. But this time, Deepavali of Mumbai people at Kolhad included gopooja, under the guidance of sri Ramachandrapura Matha and SriSamsthana.
8th of November, on the auspicious day of Deepavali more than 10 members became part of gopooja and offered gograsa and were blessed by gomatha. Mumbai Valaya President Sri Krishna Bhat Guddebaala was present and offered his Pooja to gomatha.
Kolhada goshala which has more than 200 cows in it, is situated 130kms away from Mumbai. Gopremis were very happy and felt blessed by perfomring gopooja and goseva. And celebrated festival of lights in a true sense.