Hosanagara: The distribution of collected fodder for the cows of the farmers affected by flood was organised by SriRamchandrapura Matha’s Bharatiya Gou Parivara at Mahanandi Gouloka.
About nine tonnes of nutritious animal food was brought from Raichur district and K.R. Nagara and was distributed with the cooperation of Mahanandi Gouloka and Gouswarga.The manager of Mysuru Bharatiya Gou Parivara Aisiri Mahesh from K.R. Nagara and SriRamchandrapura Matha sponsored this event.
The secretary of the Panchayat of Ramachandrapura Grama Gopal, Srisamyojaka of Bharatiya Gou Parivara R. K Bhat, Coordinator of Mahanandi Gouloka Ramamurthy Hedli, Chaaya Ramamurthy, Manager of Gouloka Ramachandra Bhat Panjaaje, Ashok Hegde Gundumane, Subrahmanya Hedli were present in this event.