Students received educational help from SriSamsthana

Education News

Bengaluru: 3 students, from Bengaluru dakshina and uttara mandala, received educational help from the sacred hands of SriSamsthana.


On this occasion, Sri Y.K.N. Sharma- President, Dakshina Bengaluru mandala, Sri Shrikanth Hegade Antaravalli- Secretary, Head of Vidhyarthi vahini dakshina and uttara mandala, Shrimati Ashwini and Shrimati Sandhya Kanathur were present.


Before the event, introduction and information about SriMatha and activities of SriMatha, different opportunities to serve, commitment towards SriMatha, service and how to spread the great deeds of SriMatha through social media, all these informations were given to the students present there, under the guidance of Mahamandala.

Dakshina Bengaluru secretary Sri Shrikanth Hegade Antaravalli, head of Uttara and Dakshina mandala Vidyarthivahini, Shrimati Sandhya Kanattur and Shrimati Ashwini Aravind guided children and made them understand about roles and responsibilities in life.


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