A person’s worth can be known from his speech and behaviour – SriSamsthana

Sri Samsthana

Girinagar: The people who have the sense of begging will be beggars. For the achievement with opportunities which have the sky as the limit, ideal person’s motivation is very helpful. If we set our minds we can arise from any underworld. From a person’s behaviour and speech his worth can be known,said SriRamchandrapura Matha’s Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Raghaveshwara Mahaswamiji.


The ashirvachana was given by SriSamsthana on the 17th day of the Dhaara Ramayana pravachana series with the intention of Vishnugupta Vishwavidyapeetha in Girinagar’s Sriramashrama.


While going to Mithila with Vishwamitra an ashram is seen to Rama Lakshman before entering the city. Rama cured Ahalya’s curse after entering Gautama muni’s ashram. He participated Janaka’s Yajna. When Janaka realises their arrival he meets them and treats them hospitably. He focuses on Rama Lakshman, SriSamsthana explained in the Pravachana.


The Srisamyojaka of Dharma Karma Khanda Sri Ramakrishna Kootelu gave the introductory proposal. Sri Vinayaka N Bhat anchored the programme.


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