Generally all of us are interested in money matters like bank account, pass book, credit card and fixed deposit. Imagine that every day Rs. 86,400 is credited into our account and we have to spend the entire amount by the end of the day. If not, the amount would lapse. In such circumstances, won’t we consider every rupee precious and spend it wisely on things which give us maximum happiness ?
Similarly, every day at sun rise, God credits 86,400 seconds into our account.
We are at liberty to spend it the way we wish. But the amount of time dwindles by sunset and lapses before the next sunrise.
Those who spend the God-given time wisely become great achievers .There is a saying, ‘one should not waste even a second of one’s time; every precious moment should be used for earning knowledge and wealth.”
We should lead our life fruitfully , with the realisation that each sunrise shortens our life span by a day .
Translated by : Dr. Sharada Jayagovind