Letter of condolence to Late Sri Anant Kumar’s kin from SriRamachandrapura Matha

SriRamachandrapura Matha sympathises the untimely death of Union Minister Sri Anantha Kumar and sends condolence letter to his wife Smt. Tejaswini praying Srikararchita SriRamadi deities to give strength to the grieving family.   The letter carries message of Jagadguru Shankaracharya SriSriRaghaveshwarabharathi Mahaswamiji, which states-   Ananth Kumar was an able politician, was dedicated to the […]

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Deepavali in Jedla goshala: gopooja – kumkumarchane

Sulya: Gopooja was performed at SriMatha’s goshala at Jedla, Sampaje by Sulya Havyaka valaya on 9th of November.   Meanwhile, during gopooja, women performed kumkumarchane. The Vaidika-Samskara branch of Sulya valaya convened 114th vedavahini paryaana. Vaidikas Ettukallu Sri Naryana Bhat, Arambur Sri Krishna Bhat, Sri Vishwakeerti Jois, Sri Venkatesha Shastry conducted parayana and traditional formalities. […]

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Kartika Deepotsava begins in Ramashrama: A hearty welcome to all

Bengaluru: Kartika Deepotsava sets in as soon as festival of lights, Deepavali, ends. Likewise, Kartika Deepotsava has begun from November 8th in Ramashrama, the branch of Sri RamachandrapuraMatha at Bengaluru.   Deepotsava has been ongoing everyday in the evening in presence of Saparivara SriRama Devaru and SriSamsthana. It is an ecstatic experience to watch Lord […]

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Students received educational help from SriSamsthana

Bengaluru: 3 students, from Bengaluru dakshina and uttara mandala, received educational help from the sacred hands of SriSamsthana.   On this occasion, Sri Y.K.N. Sharma- President, Dakshina Bengaluru mandala, Sri Shrikanth Hegade Antaravalli- Secretary, Head of Vidhyarthi vahini dakshina and uttara mandala, Shrimati Ashwini and Shrimati Sandhya Kanathur were present.   Before the event, introduction […]

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Shivaganga Mahotsava at Sri Kshetra Gokarna – Minister S. R. Srinivas visited Lord Mahabaleshwara

Gokarna: Vilambi samvatsara’s Shivaganga Vivaha Mahotsava was celebrated grandly in Sri Mahabaleshwara temple, Gokarna on Ashvija bahula chaturdashi day under the guidance of SriSamsthana.   The bride Ganga Maa and Lord Mahabaleshwara married on the vast beachside in the presence of thousands of devotees in godhooli muhurta. The roar of the ocean, music of the […]

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Gopooja & Deepotsava at Malur goshala : Praticipation of Gopremis

Malur: On the occasion of Deepavali, gopooja was performed at Sri Raghavendra Gou Ashrama, Gangapura, Malur Taluk on the evening of 8th November.   The treasurer of the Gou Ashrama managing committee performed the gopooja on behalf of all those whose were present under the guidance of Vedamoorti Sri Gopalakrishna Bhat.   Then the lamps […]

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SriSamsthana’s picture on mobile case : Disciples of Sri are ecstatic!

SriSamsthana’s picture on mobile case : Disciples of Sri are ecstatic Bengaluru: Cell phone has become an inseparable living requirement today. We stay in a time where existing without a mobile phone is unthinkable. There are extensive models of cell phones with varying costs. It is a joy to decorate it creatively. There are various […]

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SriMatha extends helping hand to flood victim of Kodagu: Transfers cheque of ₹ 1 lakh

Mulleriya: Smt. Saraswathi Amma, a Kodagu flood victim receives help in kind from SriMatha’s Sahayanidhi. SriMatha has donated a sum of ₹1,00,000/- cheque in the presence of Principal Secretary of Havyaka mahamandala Sri Hariprasad Periyappu, representative of Havyaka mandala from Ashoke vibhaga Sri Harish Haradoor, President Sri Narayan Murthy and the Gurikara in the meeting […]

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What is SriSamsthana’s view on Ramamandira construction? : Tune in to Digvijaya news channel today night

Bengaluru: There is a special telecast of SriSamsthana’s interview on religious views in Digvijaya channel tomorrow, i.e. 11th of November. SriSamsthana will be discussing his opinion on various issues in this interview, which will be telecasted at sharp 9.27pm.   SriSamsthana will be openly discussing about various issues, including widely debatable topics like Ramamandira construction […]

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Free eye checkup camp at Neerchal : many villagers benefited

Neerchal: Mujungavu Shree Bharathi eye hodpital conducted camps at various places for benefitting the village population and helped those who suffered from eye ailments.   SriMatha has been identified for several social causes. Under the guidance of Sri Samsthana, the disciple-lot too is serving the society in these ways.   In association with the Kasaragod […]

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