Kartika Deepotsava begins in Ramashrama: A hearty welcome to all

Bengaluru: Kartika Deepotsava sets in as soon as festival of lights, Deepavali, ends. Likewise, Kartika Deepotsava has begun from November 8th in Ramashrama, the branch of Sri RamachandrapuraMatha at Bengaluru.   Deepotsava has been ongoing everyday in the evening in presence of Saparivara SriRama Devaru and SriSamsthana. It is an ecstatic experience to watch Lord […]

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Shivaganga Mahotsava at Sri Kshetra Gokarna – Minister S. R. Srinivas visited Lord Mahabaleshwara

Gokarna: Vilambi samvatsara’s Shivaganga Vivaha Mahotsava was celebrated grandly in Sri Mahabaleshwara temple, Gokarna on Ashvija bahula chaturdashi day under the guidance of SriSamsthana.   The bride Ganga Maa and Lord Mahabaleshwara married on the vast beachside in the presence of thousands of devotees in godhooli muhurta. The roar of the ocean, music of the […]

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Gopooja & Deepotsava at Malur goshala : Praticipation of Gopremis

Malur: On the occasion of Deepavali, gopooja was performed at Sri Raghavendra Gou Ashrama, Gangapura, Malur Taluk on the evening of 8th November.   The treasurer of the Gou Ashrama managing committee performed the gopooja on behalf of all those whose were present under the guidance of Vedamoorti Sri Gopalakrishna Bhat.   Then the lamps […]

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Visit Mahanandi Goloka during the auspicious days of Deepavali: Perform gopooja, offer gograsa, fill in your bucket of virtues

Hosanagar: Cows have always been an inseparable part of human life since time immemorial. Cows were so much linked with human life that a man’s richness was valued by the number of cows he owned. Even the exchange of other commodities took place through cows. Cows were presented as gifts too.   It is not […]

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SrimadValmikiRamayana Parayana by Mitturu Purohita Timmayya Bhat Sampratishtana: Vaidikas blessed by SriSamsthana

Bengaluru: SrimadValmikiRamayana Parayana has been organised by Mitturu Purohita Timmayya Bhat Sampratishtana from 12-11-2018, Monday to 20-11-2018, Saturday.   Meeting SriSamsthana at Ramashrama, the members of Sampratishtana informed SriSamsthana about the programme and received blessings in the form of mantrakshate. On this occasion, ‘Mitturu Purohita Shankaranarayana Bhat and Maike Shankaranarayana Bhat birth centinary souvenir’ published […]

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Rudrabhishekam & Rudra Havana at Ramashrama, Girinagara Matha tomorrow on the occasion of Somapradosha and Masa Shivaratri (monthly Shivaratri tithi)

Rudrabhishekam & Rudra Havana has been organised on 05-11-2018 at Ramashrama, Girinagara Matha on the occasion of Somarapodha and Mahasivaratri. The same will be held near Samadhi of Brahmibhuta Sri Sri RaghavendraBharathi Mahaswamiji. There will be a special Rudrabhishekam by Sri Sri RaghaveshwaraBharathi Mahaswamiji.   The rituals will start at 10 am. Srikararchita Pooja will […]

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Vedavahini programme in Sulya valaya: Parayana and Shravana (chanting and listening) of Vedas performed

Sulya: Sulya valaya’s Vaidika and Samskara division conducted 112th and 113th Vedavahini programmes on 2nd November.   112th Vedavahini was conducted in Pare Sri Keshavayya Bhat’s house. He along with his family were listeners to Veda parayana. Gurikkara of the ghataka, Sri Vishnukiran Bhat was present during the occasion.   On the same day, 113th […]

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Children worshipped their parents in Maatapitru pooja : A unique program to awaken our culture.

To inculcate culture and to make children understand the importance of parents in life, Shree Bharathi Vidyalaya, run by SriRamachandrapura Matha, took a great step by making children worship their parents in the school. On this auspicious day of Kannada Rajyotsava, children worshipped their parents by offering flowers at their feet and vowed to look […]

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Annual ceremony of enshrinement of Sri Rama at Ramashrama completed

Bengaluru: The annual ceremony of enshrinement of Saparivara Sri Rama was celebrated with grandeur and devotion in the Girinagar branch of Sri RamachandrapuraMatha. Many rituals were performed on Vilambi Samvatsara Ashvayuja Krishna Shashti and Saptami days (30-10-2018 and 31-10-2018) in the divine presence and guidance of SriSamsthana. On Tuesday, the rituals began by offering prayers […]

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